Sunday, August 2, 2020

Augusts are for Lauren - Day 2 "Meeting a Legend"

(Of the "Demographic", my birthday happens first. It's today. Happy Birthday to Me. Heather and Lauren will never have another birthday. That really sucks. I will be celebrating my birthday at least 3 times - a campfire Friday, socially distanced lemon cheesecake with my parents and brother's family, and tomorrow I will be on a boat at lake red rock. Take that Rona!)

I met Lauren in High School. At first I knew of her. She had cast such a presence just walking the halls at Central that I was quite aware of her fabulousness despite never having interacted with or had a class with her. At some point Junior or Senior year I was invited to my friend Lexi's house to make signs for a protest for Students Against the Death Penalty. It was a cause that really mattered to Lauren but all I remember from that night was joking, big and fancy words being used by cocky high school students, music, and dancing. Life was just more merry and full of fun in her presence. She also went out of her way to make me feel welcome, even though we weren't yet friends. I can assure you the experience of getting to know her exceeded my already high expectations.

I have no picture of this auspicious outing. If you spend too much time digging, you can find a picture of one of the signs from the newspaper coverage.

Des Moines Register February 4th, 1998

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