Thursday, June 3, 2021

Wild West Day 7 - The Becknikovs share their cities.

Yay Seattle-Tacoma Day!

So much fun this day. I originally had over 80 photos of this day. Partially because between T&B, the mini photographers, Matt and Me there were a lot of photogs at the wheel. Mostly because when you are doing Seattle-Tacoma there are so many pretty things to take pictures of! Our day started off with a drive down to the market. We didn’t beat but were among the crowds. The kids weren’t quite as enthralled as I was but they gawked at the gum wall, enjoyed their Pazkis, and enjoyed trying fresh produce. But they did get bored before the grownups and I get it. It was so crowded they probably mostly saw other people’s butts. So nice to sit out on the lawn. And they did like some of the funkier stuff to be found inside. But it takes some discipline and patience to find just the right souvenirs and they weren’t in that patient a mood. 

There was some debate amongst our hosts of what the next stop should be and concern for what might happen to the traffic situation should we stay too long. Plus they have a wee one still who has to think about naps and such. We ended up making our way to Tacoma glass museum which was the perfect call. This museum is really really neat. Lots to do inside and outside. This was more the kids speed. They liked finding their favorite pieces. They played outside in the water feature. They posed for photos. They even had 

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