We left! Wasn’t sure that it would really happen. But it did and it did early. I didn’t go to bed til 5, trying to pack and finish up a few things for work. Our plan was to leave at 7 and we left at 7:10. Vacation Miracle!
Why are you guys driving 600 in one day? We like driving? It’s true. Well... Matt loves driving and I love being a passenger while he’s driving. And we are pretty good at it. We are patient with each other. We have great conversations. We used to drive from Baltimore to Iowa and back several times a year.
The kids are good in the car as well. The older they get the longer we push them as far as distance in a day. They certainly make things more complicated. And they definitely have moments of impatience, defiance, urgent bathroom needs, and annoying sounds. But they are 8 and that’s exactly what they are supposed to do. And they are still young enough for enthusiasm for experiences we plan and ones we take for granted.
There are other reasons for the trip--dear friends, new babies, relative cheapness, influence of neighbors, etc. I may get into more of these as I go.
First stop, Lewis and Clark historical trail visitors center in Omaha. We got there before it opened!
Matt likes maps!
Guest book with an inkwell and Quill.
Fish and bird statues.
In Omaha we saw a Uhaul with a monument we are planning to visit. National Parks are so hot right now!
We tried doing a tablet, reading, writing rotation. It worked....ok. We have car sickness and technology issues. Mostly we listed to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as read by Jim Dale. So entertaining.
I can’t say I was super impressed with north platte, ne. What can I say Iowans are socialized to be pretty snooty about Nebraska. But it did have a Train Museum next to the little league fields.
We found a local coffee shop "downtown". We tried to get frozen yogurt from a new place but they were out of... frozen yogurt. Lucy liked her mango smoothie.
After a fun drive though the last of western Nebraska and Colorado (patiently waiting for the kids to notice the mountains) we arrived at our Airbnb/ Hostel. It’s called Solarium international and I can’t recommend it enough. Cheap and comfortable and unique!
It even has hammocks!
Finally it was time to eat dinner at a random Irish pub in old town Fort Collins. It was delicious in the way that food at the end of a long day when you are super tired and hungry is kinda the best.
Then we poured ourselves into bed feeling super encouraged that our first day went so well.
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