Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A new job, move, and surgery

I found out a couple weeks ago I get to do my postdoctoral fellowship at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I'm really excited about it. My postdoc is 2 years and I will get a ton of great experience treating kiddos as a part of interdisciplinary or medical teams while also doing research. I will also get licensed so I will be well prepared for my next "real" job. Because my internship started later than most I don't start until later in the fall.

So we will be moving, selling the house, finding new housing, daycare/preschool, pediatrician, oh and a new job for Matt. At least we still have half a year!

About Matt. On Thursday morning he will be having surgery to decompress some bulging discs in 2 vertebrae that are impinging on the nerves in his spine. If all goes well after he recovers from this surgery he will be able to walk more than a block with out intense pain in his foot and leg. Lets really hope and pray that all goes well! While Matt recovers for the first couple weeks his parents and brother have graciously volunteered to help keep the household running and kids taken care of while we are down a parent. Please keep Matt in your thoughts as he goes through the surgery and healing process!
